Exploring the Distribution and Utilisation of Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah Funds at LAZ and BAZNAS Solo Raya
Distribution of Zakat, Utilization of Zakat, Zakat, Infaq and ShadaqahAbstract
Islamic social finance plays a pivotal role in solving social issues by closing the gap between rich and poor. The pandemic has created the opportunity to explore the untapped potential of Islamic social finance in Muslim countries. This study aims to analyse the strategy for distributing and utilising zakat, infaq, and shadaqah funds during the pandemic in Zakat institutions in Solo Raya. The paper adopted a qualitative research method with descriptive and analytical approaches. The data used in this study was obtained through interviews and documentation of seven zakat institutions in Solo Raya, namely BAZNAS Surakarta, BAZNAS Boyolali, BAZNAS Karanganyar, LAZIS Central Java Al Ihsan Surakarta, LAZISMU Surakarta, LAZ DT Peduli Surakarta, and LAZ Solo Peduli. The results of the study indicate that the strategies carried out by LAZ and BAZNAS in Solo Raya during the pandemic varied widely, such as priorities for certain recipients in the distribution of ZIS funds, reducing physical assessment, increasing ZIS fund collection by collaborating with partners, and focusing on their specific programs. This research will reference the literature on zakat, infaq, and shadaqah studies. It can be a consideration for stakeholders and zakat, infaq, and shadaqah institutions in Indonesia.
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