The Importance of Halal Brand Awareness in Purchasing Intentions in Indonesia: the Mediating Role of Attitude


  • Megita Bulandari Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia
  • Sumar Sumar Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia



Halal Brand, Brand Awareness, Purchase Intention, Attitude Mediation


This research examines the relationship between people's intention to buy halal products and their knowledge of halal brand awareness. This research also investigates the possibility that attitudes influence purchase intentions through mediation effects. Research data was obtained from a reliable online survey with 152 respondents. Four hypotheses regarding the relationship between the characteristics of halal brand awareness, attitudes and purchase intentions were tested using the PLS-SEM approach. The findings of this study support each of the supported hypotheses, including the idea that attitudes have a mediating function. Therefore, to shift from a lifestyle that follows people's habits to a halal lifestyle, halal industry players must adapt to appropriate changes in consumer attitudes. Additionally, regulators should offer incentives to encourage a greater halal ecosystem. This research is different because it validates previous results regarding the impact of positive consumer sentiment on their tendency to purchase halal goods and services. Based on this research, customers consume more types of halal goods and services, such as food, sharia banking, and fashion, as well as goods related to lifestyle and well-being, such as shopping, sports, and swimming pools.


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